Fragments of thoughts, In your cyberspace

Sometimes we don't need Twitter or a blog. All it takes is somewhere we can emit our mutters and record our moods.

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    Narix Hine


    hello world

No centralised feed.

Frella is designed for your own recording. We're not Twitter, so there is no social function.

Dedicated subdomain.

Your content should not live under a subpath shared by others. Get your own domain. (custom domains coming soon)


Lock if you like.

If you don't share your subdomain with others, nobody will know it. You can make sure your content is private by locking them.

Share when you want.

But if you feel like sharing an interesting piece of frella with your friends, you can do it at anytime.

Embed on your website as a complementary feed.

Have a serious blog? Then microblog your not-so-serious ideas on Frella and embed a feed! Some inspirations are too small to make for an article, but are splendid enough to be worth taking a note.

<iframe src="https://..."></iframe>

Integrate with Next.js or React.

Use a ready-made component. Customisable.